One More Thing: What’s something you’ve learned about life?

There’s always something new to learn, usually about my smartphone.
Vikki Monaghan

I have come to realize the things we worry about do not affect how the truly important people in our world feel about us.
Anne Rosenberg
Mt. Laurel

Life cereal is clearly superior to Cap’n Crunch.
Annette Westbrook

Follow your gut. It knows which direction you should follow – even if your mind and heart don’t know it yet.
Nancy Lipkin Starr 
Cherry Hill

Purpose gets you out of bed.
Dennis Pullin

Life can seem fast most of the time, it’s important to do your best to slow it down, be present, and enjoy the current moment.
Fran Murphy

As a breast cancer survivor, I see my life divided into the before, the battle and the after. The after is so much better – a beautiful new beginning.
Lisa Wolstromer

Something I’ve learned about life is that it’s possible to hold two contradictory feelings about something or someone. One can love and want to leave, can appreciate something and feel frustrated too. Embracing these paradoxes makes it possible to build more genuine connections and live more authentically.
Ivette Guillermo-McGahee

I’ve learned to embrace change and not take things so seriously. Life is entirely too short to worry needlessly.
Rebecca Fuller
Haddon Heights

It’s all in the upbringing. If you cherish family and pay attention to your parents, you will become a good person.
Dominic Vesper Jr.
Gloucester Twp.

I’ve learned that things in life don’t always work out how we expect them to, but it helps to keep an open mind and be able to pivot and make the most of the given situation.
Mary Foukleva

The very first thing that popped into my head was that having a cat is the secret to happiness (as one of mine is sitting on my lap while I work). I asked my husband and he says “love and work…do those two things and everything will turn out fine.” In a way, he and I said the same thing.
Chelsea Carter
Cherry Hill

My life is a journey, not a race, based on respect and responsibility with a positive attitude and purpose.
Rosie Hymerling 

Sand cannot be removed from anything.
Sherri Weinstein

If you manage your expectations, you can avoid a lot of disappointment.
Joe Figararo
Mullica Hill

It beats the alternative hands down!
Scott Soffen
Cherry Hill 

October 2024
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