Setting Reasonable & Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions

Another year, another “new me” attempt. But if you, like us, are tired of the same old resolutions – and especially tired of never completing them – check out these ideas you can personalize and use to craft the perfect (and totally doable) 2024 resolution list. 

Write down 3 things you’re grateful for every day 

Drink more water (that emotional support water bottle’s around here somewhere)

Start a garden – just try one or two vegetables to start 

Read for at least 1 hour a week 

Spend more time with your four-legged bff 

Find – and try – a new hobby 

Visit a new local business once a month 

Add some sustainable practices to the home

Designate an hour a day as “tech-free” time 

Do a pull-up, then 2 (you get the idea)

Finally get some house plants 

Once a month, reconnect with someone you haven’t talked with in a while 

Don’t freak out about the little things 

Go meat-free one day per week 

Try more new restaurants 

Attend a number of networking events each month 

Start stretching at least once a week 

Plan more date nights 

Find a new artist to listen to each month  

Learn a new skill

Get your body moving more 

Do a digital detox (clean out your old text messages, photos and emails) 

Spruce up the family’s activities with some educational fun 

Practice your work-life balance

Try canning food (at least once) 

Schedule that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off 

Schedule time to rest 

Make a budget – and stick to it 

Designate one day a week for a self care day 

Stay away from toxic people 

December 2023
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An Instagram-worthy backyard | THE GOAL IS TO BECOME A GARDENER

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