How to watch the 2024 eclipse in South Jersey

Look at the sky! Actually – before you do that, there’s a few things you should know. 

That’s right, it’s time for another eclipse. This Monday, April 8, the moon will pass in front of the sun and cause a total eclipse, traveling from Texas to Maine. And while the total eclipse won’t be visible from South Jersey, skywatchers will be able to see a partial eclipse, with the ideal watch time at 3:23 pm. 

But remember that the only way to look directly at an eclipse safely (even a partial one) is with special eclipse glasses. The good news is, they’re not too difficult to come by. Check out how you can watch this year’s eclipse:

With a beer in your hand 

It’s only fitting that Merchantville’s Eclipse Brewing will be hosting an eclipse viewing party this Monday. Join the brewery to celebrate both a new beer and the solar event. The party begins at noon, and special eclipse glasses will be supplied. For more information, visit the Facebook page

On the ferry 

Set sail to watch the sky as you smell the fresh saltwater while aboard the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. (Yes, you will have to briefly cross into Delaware, but you can turn right back around and quickly return to the better coast.) The ferry will depart from Cape May at 2:30 pm. For more information, visit the website

Grab your glasses

The most important thing to remember when the eclipse arrives is to grab a pair of ISO-certified solar eclipse glasses. Looking directly at the partial eclipse can damage your eyes. But if you don’t have time to order your pair online, head to one of 2 Warby Parker locations in South Jersey – at the Cherry Hill Mall and the Promenade at Sagemore – where they’ll be handing out free pairs while supplies last. 

April 2024
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