One More Thing: What’s something your mother always said?

“If you don’t ask, you will never know.” I quote that almost daily now.
Abbie Kasoff

My mom passed away in January 2016. She was one of the most positive, beautiful women I ever knew. The first thing that comes to mind is, “Tomorrow is never promised.” She said it in the most lovely way. We’d be living life, doing the most ordinary thing, and if there was ever a question about whether we should do any given thing, she would encourage us to live life and enjoy it.
Dale Howarth

“Tell me who you walk with, and I will tell you who you are.” (1 John 1:7) It didn’t make much sense as a child, but as an adult it resonates now more than ever.
Mel Aponte

My mom always tells me to look up when I’m on my phone, I know I should and I try but sometimes it’s really hard.
Janiece Stenson
Haddon Twp.

When I was thinking about starting a business, I’ll never forget my mom telling me I had to take risks. She had never said it before, and I don’t think she has said it again. But she was so sure I should go for it. I’ll never forget that she helped me get where I am today (in so many ways).
Elaine S.

My quote would be “If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump off the bridge too?” I heard that daily during my teen years. LOL.
Lori Schnibbe
Cherry Hill

“Everyone makes mistakes, it’s what you do about those mistakes that says the kind of person you are.”
Allyson Bernstein
Cherry Hill

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
Diane Brumbach 

I have a tattoo on my arm that says, “what you make it,” because my mom always used to tell me, “Life is what you make it.” I love that I have this reminder of her very smart message. It’s so true.
Helaina Runther
Cherry Hill

“Remember your family and how hard they worked so you can have the opportunities before you; and work hard so your children have more opportunities than you had.”
Amy Swan

Something my mother said that stuck with me: “Learn how to take a compliment. Simply say thank you. You don’t need to try to discredit the compliment.” It stuck with me from the day she said it to me, and now I hear it in my head and always reply, “Thank you.”
Deirdre Clark

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” I’ve said this to myself so many times. It just reminds you to keep going.
Terriann Mernoni

My mom always said, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” and I never really thought much about it until I became a mom and my daughter used to imagine every worse-case scenario there could be – for just about everything. So I found myself instinctively saying these words to her. And believe it or not, they help.
L. Carmen 
Mullica Hill

May 2024
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