Four Things To Do This Weekend in South Jersey

The weekend is here, and that means it’s time to spend time with the family and take a break from that hard work week. We’ve rounded up some South Jersey events and exhibits to make your weekend memorable!


Maple Sugaring

Rancocas Nature Center
794 Rancocas Road, Westampton
February 19
Add a sweet touch to your weekend during the Rancocas Nature Center’s “Connect with Nature Series’ Annual Maple Sugaring.” Learn about the sugar maple tree, watch a tapping demonstration and taste maple syrup samples around the campfire. The event costs $7 per person for members ($9 for non-members) and $15 per family of up to five ($21 for non-member families). It runs from 1:30 to 3 pm.


Film for Thought Series

Grounds For Sculpture
80 Sculptors Way, Hamilton
February 19
Watch and discuss this moving documentary made up of dozens of short films that follow travelers on a train across North America. The viewing will be followed by a discussion led by Steven Weisz, founder of The screening begins at 3 pm and is free with park admission. Registration is recommended.


Polar Bear 5K

Landis Avenue and JFK Boulevard, Sea Isle City
February 19
Head to the boardwalk in Sea Isle City for the Polar Bear 5K Run/1.5 Mile Walk for Autism. Runners and walkers of all ages and abilities are invited to participate. The race begins at noon, and afterward, head to the heated tents for an awards ceremony, magicians, face painting and tasty treats. Individual registration is $25 for the run and $20 for the walk.


Hippo Awareness Weekend

Adventure Aquarium
1 Riverside Drive, Camden
February 18-20
Show Adventure Aquarium’s resident hippos, Button and Genny, your love with a weekend full of hippo activities. Stop by the hippo kissing booth, take home a painting made by Button and Genny and play some hippo-riffic games. The special weekend is included in aquarium admission.

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