Powerful Moments From The “Millennials Looking for Mentors” Podcast
Successful women share some insight with Klein and Elyse

We’re getting ready for season 2 of SJ Mag’s popular podcast “Millennials Looking for Mentors,” where Elyse Notarianni and Klein Aleardi talk to successful South Jersey women about their careers. Take a look at some highlights from season 1.

Kae Lani Palmisano

Food writer/host of WHYY’s “Delishtory” & “Check Please! Philly”

I had a rough patch in my own personal life when my dad had passed away. He had sadly died by suicide. And 7 months later, my grandmother passed away from cancer. And then there was just this moment of: Life is very fragile, and I should probably pursue the things I really love and make the mark I would like to make on the world.

Jen Kavanagh

Senior VP of Marketing & Media, Philadelphia Eagles
I got a phone call from a recruiter who was filling the job here at the Eagles. And I think I said, “Are you sure that you meant to call me?” Don’t be afraid to talk to people, ask for people’s advice. Don’t feel like you have to have all the answers within you. I think some of the most successful people are people who have a curious mind and a student mindset throughout their entire lives. They don’t see asking questions and being curious and involving other people as a sign of weakness on their part. It’s actually a sign of strength.

Lara Price

COO, Philadelphia 76ers
Back in my Comcast Spectacor days, I was marketing director, and we did a lot of great things for our game intros – and we did pyro (technics). You have to work with the fire department and get all the checks done, because you’re using flammable material. So somehow we shot off fireworks, and it caught Bernie Parent’s banner on fire. Processes were in place, so it was ok…But we thought we had everything checked. Obviously, we didn’t. So you change what you have to do.

Karen Correa

VP, Head Global Clinical Operations, Takeda Pharmaceuticals/Mrs. New Jersey American 2022

I was at a conference, about to get on stage, and my heel got caught in the stage… I had to take my shoe off. Thankfully, I had some flats in my bag, so I just switched to my flats. But that just threw me off. Now I have to speak. I’m not in my cute heels…and I’m a little bit lower behind the podium. One of my coaches told me to find your place of peace before you speak, and I needed to find that place quick. So I took a moment and was like, I can do this. I breathed and looked at everyone in that room, put a smile on my face. And I started by sharing the discomfort, so I could get over it.

Lisa Morina

VP of Government and External Affairs, Jefferson Health – New Jersey

You have to make sure your time is well-used. As a young person, start to pick networking events that will help you advance to the next level…You can’t be afraid to go up and talk to somebody, and then just shove your card in their hand. I’m appreciative of the chambers that put up the attendance list in advance because I will look to see who’s going to be there, who I might have on my list of people to talk to about something.

Subscribe to the Millennials Looking for Mentors Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts – Season 2 is coming soon!

October 2022
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WATCH NOW: Millennials looking for Mentors