Ryan Sydorko, Pamela Collins, Aaron Nelson, Patty Nelson and Teresa Sydorko
Dawn Kaplan and Amy Smith of Weingberg, Kaplan & Smith with Marianne Aleardi
Barbara Omert and Dr. Wendy Martinez
Josh and Kate Oeltjen with Jennifer and Derek Doan
Calvin and Orsula Knowlton with Pamela Downes and David Thompson
Lindsey Thul, Christine Catanella and Trish Arellano
Diana McGraw, Noelle Diamond and Ritu Anand
Kathy and Mark Esser with Oaks CEO Derry Holland
Nikki and Al Fox with Mary and Michael Beckett
(top row) Glen and Lori Walton; (third row) Al Fox, Stuart Diamond, Michael Beckett, Ritu and Sumit Anand; (second row) Nikki Fox, Noelle Diamond, Mark Rekant, Mary Beckett and Calvin Knowlton; (bottom row) Jocelyn Williams, Angela Rekant, Mark and Kathy Esser, Orsula Knowlton, Christine and Brian Cantella