One More Thing: If you could travel to see any world monument, where would you go?

I always wanted to see Mount Rushmore. It shocks me that someone could take a mountain and carve faces at a time when there wasn’t the technology there is today.
Kristen Hill, Stone Harbor


Stonehenge. It looks so peaceful. It seems like a place that, when you go there, it’s eye-opening and enlightening.
John Fuller, Voorhees


I’m very much into the Romanticism movement in art. Somehow I came across a fabulous marble sculpture in a cemetary in Barcelona, Spain known as “The Kiss of Death.” It’s the angel of death planting a kiss upon the forehead of a young man. It’s chilling yet romantic at the same time. Someday I’ll see it.
Catherine Bonetti, Washington Township


The Louvre. It has all the great art in the world. I want to see Nike of Samothrace because it’s so impressive.
Tori Matisoff, Princeton


I would choose the Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan, Iran. Growing up, explorers and adventurers fascinated me. The monuments aging back thousands of years stand as a unique way to immerse ourselves in our history.
Kayvon Jahanbakhsh, Glassboro


Easter Island. I’m intrigued by the mystery of these statues. Nobody has ever unraveled it. It’s a bit like Stonehenge, but with heads.
Wendy Frantz, Voorhees


Mount Everest. I’m not sure if I would actually climb it, but it seems like such an impossible feat that I feel like I need to see it.
Diane Levin, Mount Laurel


As long as we’re dreaming here, might as well dream big. I would like to visit Bahá’í temples on all seven continents because each is architecturally amazing and each is surrounded by beautiful gardens. I grew up in Chicago and the first time my mom took me to the Bahá’í temple there, I told her, “This is what a temple should look like!”
Ellen Lee Weisman, Linwood


Petra, Jordan. This monument is what’s left of the capital of the ancient Nabatean Kingdom. It’s good to be reminded that there’s a much larger world than the little one I live in.
Rea Bochner, Cherry Hill


I would explore the good ole USA first. There are so many great things here I have yet
to see.
Ira Podell, Cherry Hill


The Polynesian statues in Fiji would be a cool destination.
Gary Gans, Marlton


The Great Barrier Reef. It can’t be replicated. I don’t even scuba dive, but I just want to see it.
MaryAnn Smith, Marlton

November 2019
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