Wide Awake: Gratitude
Taking a moment to say thanks

Every time I sit down to write my thank yous for this November column, I worry I won’t be able to fill the page. But I always do. So to begin: I’m thankful for that. 

I’m thankful for corner tables at restaurants.  

I’m thankful for flip-flops, especially when Old Navy sells them for $5. 

A few times this year, I’ve gone to breakfast on the way to work and sat with someone I didn’t know. It wasn’t a total stranger, but someone I had seen around before who was also by themselves. Each time, the conversation was fascinating. I got to hear their story; I guess I had to be reminded that everyone has a good story. I’m thankful I had the guts to say, “Do you mind if I sit with you?” And I’m thankful they let me. 

Last year I was thankful for headphones, and I said they didn’t need to be wireless, that I could deal with wires. This year, I’m thankful for wireless headphones. 

I’m thankful for the many women in South Jersey who I have a business relationship with, who I also consider my friends. South Jersey has an incredible network of business women who consciously support each other. It’s exactly what we need right now. 

I’m thankful you can hop on the train in Hamilton and be in NYC in about 90 minutes. 

This is going to sound incredibly weird, but I’m thankful for Lanolin. It’s a cream used by women who are breastfeeding for dry, cracked nipples. Someone told me to try it for my lips, and I did. (My lips get really chapped, and I’ve searched for a moisturizer for years.) Lanolin has no taste, and it’s safe – think about it, babies ingest it. And the big news: it works.  

I’m thankful for dresses.  

I’m thankful First Lady Tammy Murphy agreed to participate in our Women’s Empowerment Series.

I’m thankful for Audible.When you’re going on a long drive, listening to a book makes the ride enjoyable. 

I’m thankful there is technology that can transfer VHS tapes to electronic files. Otherwise, our home videos – which we have a lot of – would eventually be unwatchable. 

I’m thankful for the NYT Crossword Puzzle app. 

And ok, I am thankful the Eagles won the Super Bowl. That was an exciting time, and people were exceptionally happy.  

I’m also thankful for SalPal and Dave Spadaro, who provided us with so much Eagles coverage. (Sal even sent us daily web stories the week leading up to the game.) 

I started using a NutriBullet this summer. I think I put in too much ice and that’s why it’s been leaking when I run it, but once I figure that out, I believe I will be thankful for it. 

I’m thankful for the staff at SJ Magazine. A lot of people work really hard to do all we do. I see their commitment every day. I can’t thank them enough. 

I’m thankful people have asked me to speak to their women’s leadership groups. I love that. I hope I helped. 

I’m thankful for the Waze app. Waze is better than Google Maps. 

Still thankful for my heated blanket, which I brought out much earlier than usual this year. 

Also still thankful for cherry Lifesavers. 

I’m thankful for cupcakes.  

I’m thankful for readers and advertisers who continue to support SJ Magazine, who advertise month after month, who show up at our events and compliment us for the program we put on.  And I am forever grateful to the people who tell me they read the magazine and love it. Often, they reference a specific story that made a difference to them. That is the greatest compliment. 

I’m thankful for gel manicures. And I hope they aren’t destroying my nails.  

I’m thankful Joe gets me a Starbucks iced tea every morning on his way home from the gym. It’s there when I go downstairs.  

Speaking of Joe, I’m thankful I have someone who makes empty-nesting pretty fun. I’m thankful the girls are happy, and I’m thankful life is good even though the house is so quiet. A big part of that is due to Joe. I’ll always be thankful for him.

November 2018
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