One More Thing: What’s one thing your mother always used to say?

My mom passed away in January 2016. She was one of the most positive, beautiful women I ever knew. The first thing that comes to mind is, “Tomorrow is never promised.” She said it in the most lovely way. We’d be living life, doing the most ordinary thing, and if there was ever a question about whether we should do any given thing, she would encourage us to live life and enjoy it.  

Dale Howarth


“Onward and Upward!” Most people use that phrase when something unfortunate happens, like, “Oh well, onward and upward to better things.” But my mom used it when something good happened to us, as if the path you were currently on was the upward, fortunate path. 

Another one, my personal favorite: Every time there is an election, she’ll call me after she votes to tell me she wrote me in for mayor or council or something. It cracks me up every time. 

Calla Aniski
Ship Bottom


If I was going on a date my mother would say, “Remember, your body is a temple.” She was old-school Catholic.  

Christian David
Cherry Hill


“You’re going to tell your father what you did when he gets home.” She never said, “Wait ’til your father gets home.” The punishment was always that I would have to tell him.  

Christy Colors


“You always get caught in a lie.” She was right.  

Laura Oakmont


“Time heals everything.” Tragedy doesn’t go away, but things do get better. 

It’s true. 

Mike Foran
Washington Township


My mother always used to say what her father always used to say: “The squeaky wheel gets the most oil.” Meaning, speak your mind. It’s good advice. 

Natalie Navarra


“Go sit on the front step, and wait ’till your father gets home!” Whenever she said it, I thought, “Oh boy, I’m in big trouble now.” 

Jim Kehoe
Mount Laurel


My mother would say,  

“Kimmie, honey, always keep God first in everything you do, believe in yourself, and he will handle your extraordinary.”  

Kimberly S. Reed
Mount Laurel


My mother is 92 years young, but she would always tell us, “You must strive to get a good education because no one can take that from you.” As an African-American woman growing up during the ’40s and ’50s, there weren’t many occupations available to persons of color, especially women. My mother stressed the importance of attaining a good education in order that we, as women of color, could be independent and survive as adults. 

Stephanie Fisher


Something my mom always used to say (and still says to me and the kids) is, “Don’t go to bed with your head wet!” I never understood this Chinese old wives’ tale and always sort of smirked when she said this, until about 30 years later when my daughter’s allergist warned her about going to bed with wet hair, because it could cause mold to grow in her pillow (ewww).  I think Mom was ahead of her time. 

Rhonda Cates
Mount Laurel


My mother always said the smartest people want to keep learning. After I was mature enough to understand and accept what she was saying, I lived that way. I’ve also passed that wisdom onto my son – and others.  

Joanne Rosen
Cherry Hill

November 2018
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