My superpower would be teleportation, so I could go wherever I want, whenever I want. And I won’t have to get the bus to school so early.
Joshua Marco, 13
Cherry Hill
I’d want to be invisible so I can sneak around stealing all the snacks.
Carson Shumaker, 9
I want the ability to do all kinds of things you can’t do in real life with my mind, including move things, stop time and read other peoples’ minds (but they couldn’t read mine).
Dilana Lieberman, 12
Time travel, so I could go back and prevent the fires in Australia.
Anthony Schuenemann, 7
I would want to be really fast, so when my dad tells me to stop watching TV, I can tell him I already finished my chores AND my homework AND cleaned my room.
Brianna Watson, 12
I would want to heal people. I don’t want people to be hurt, because I like people.
Olivia Boettger-Hanssens, 6
Cherry Hill
Immortality, so all my worries of illness and disease could wash away.
Lee Justin, 14
I want to fly like Wonder Woman! Then I can rescue dogs all over the world.
Siena Fox, 9
Electric Strength – it means you can shoot electricity and you have muscles to lift up buildings and cars.
Brett VonDeak, 5
I want to have the power to control all the bugs and to be able to turn into bugs.
Atticus Zuccarelli, 5 ½
I want to be able to talk to animals so that my pet rabbit could be my best friend.
Eva Fields, 13
I want perfect photographic memory. In school, I wouldn’t have to study. In sports, I would know what to do in every situation to score, and in piano I could perfectly play every song I hear.
Cary Bloom, 11
Cherry Hill