“Lord of the Flies.” If you have your kids and their friends along with you when you’re reading, it makes it easier to envision a pack of wild children traipsing around on a beach.
Lisa Fields
SJ Mag Contributor
I wish I read on the beach. I can never sit still long enough to get into a book.
Klein Aleardi
SJ Mag Digital Content Editor
First, take your headphones to the beach and listen to the NPR podcast “Serial.” When you finish that, read “Adnan’s Story” by Rabia Chaudry, the woman who bought the story to the podcast’s producers. The book continues where the podcast ends.
James Morton, Lumberton
“Love Wins” by Debbie Cenziper with Jim Obergefell. It’s the true story of the court battle that lead to the Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage. Obergefell was the plaintiff on the case.
Matt Ruminson, Atlantic City
“Worth Repeating,” by Marianne, Sally and me for sunny days. “The Selected Short Stories of William Faulkner” for cloudy days. I stick with the classics.
Maury Z. Levy
SJ Mag Columnist
It’s so hard to narrow it down to one. But a favorite summer-beach-read author for me is Elin Hilderbrand, and her summer novel this year, “The Identicals.” OK, just one more: Mary Kubica’s “Every Last Lie.”
Dana Nicklas
Branch Manager, Burlington County Library System – Maple Shade
“Original Intents: Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and the American Founding” by Rutgers University-Camden history professor Andrew Shankman. You’ll learn about the personalities and philosophies that created the United States.
Mike Sepanic
Associate Chancellor for External Communications, Rutgers University-Camden
“The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant. It’s probably not a beach read that would pop into most people’s heads, but it’s my favorite book, so I recommend reading it on the beach, on the couch, in bed – doesn’t matter where.
Marianne Aleardi
SJ Mag Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
“Secrets in Summer” by Nancy Thayer. A divorced woman rebuilds her life in idyllic Nantucket, but things get complicated quickly.
Robin Megow
Librarian, Gloucester County Library
Thomas King’s novel “Green Grass, Running Water.” It’s funny and smart.
Joseph Coulombe
Professor and Chair of English, Rowan University
“The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” by Rebecca Skloot, which was recently turned into an HBO movie starring Oprah Winfrey.
Madison Russ
SJ Mag Special Projects Editor
“The City & The City” by China Miéville. It’s an amazing detective story built on a brilliant sci-fi premise.
James Brown
Associate Professor of English, Rutgers University-Camden
Ken Follett’s Century trilogy. It’s soap opera meets history textbook.
Kate Morgan
SJ Mag Contributor
“The Sun & The Moon & The Rolling Stones” by Rich Cohen. If you love the Stones or rock music, you have to read this.
Chuck Trisom, Medford
Rainbow Rowell’s “Eleanor & Park.” Anyone who survived high school in the late ’80s or early ’90s will relate, right down to the teenage awkwardness, mixtapes, questionable fashion choices and that all-consuming feeling that comes with your first love.
Heather Morse
SJ Mag Editor