About a Podcast
By Marianne Aleardi

It took 14 episodes of our new podcast “South Jersey Girls” for me to really understand the benefits of listening to one. What we’ve been doing – myself, Jayne Feld, Elyse Notarianni and my daughter Klein – started as an experiment that has evolved into an eye-opening adventure. Since we represent 2 generations (millennials and Gen X’ers), we talk about one subject and often laugh at how much our views differ.

Initially our episodes covered simple things, like changing technology, where Jayne and I described the baffling concept of having a second phone line in the house. Elyse and Klein explained witch TikTok (and I tried not to roll my eyes). We’ve laughed at each other ­– Jayne did admit to wearing parachute pants in the ’80s – but most of all, we’ve learned things from each other. That became evident when we recorded an episode the day after the invasion of the Capitol, and the conversation turned to our country.

It had never occurred to me that young adults, whose childhoods were marked by 9/11, repeated school shootings and volatile protests, might have a completely different point of view when it comes to their feelings toward America. But now I understand, because Elyse and Klein were able to talk while Jayne and I listened with completely open minds. There was no hate. No disdain. Just lots and lots of information that I thought about for days.

There have been so many times over the years when something we did at SJ Magazine reminded me how awesome it is when people sit down and just talk with each other. It happened at our first roundtable. And then again at the Women’s Empowerment Series. So here we are once more. Our new podcast has introduced me to different ways of thinking, and it’s made me sit back and stop talking so I can listen to thoughts that are very different than mine, but still very important. The concept isn’t new. It’s just one that’s pretty easy to forget.

You can find new episodes of “South Jersey Girls” every Tuesday wherever you get your podcasts. You’ll hear us talk. You’ll hear us listen. And you might even hear yourself reacting to something you never considered before. Maybe you’ll even share a concept we discussed with your family at dinner. If you do, sit back and stop talking. Just listen.

February 2021
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