7 Fun – and Educational – Ways to Entertain the Kids at Home

As the days of quarantine and social distancing seem to drag on, South Jersey organizations are helping parents fill the day with lots of fun – and educational – activities. Check out these resources to keep the kids entertained all day long.




Burlington County Library System is posting virtual lessons, like “Colors and Countries in English and Spanish,” for children (or adults) who are looking for fun ways to keep learning.


Read On(line)


Camden County Library System is offering free one-month digital library cards to Camden County residents. The card gives you access to eBooks, audiobooks, emusic, downloadable video and online learning resources for children and adults. You can also tune in for digital storytimes on the library’s social media platforms.

Collingswood Public Library provides digital resources for reading and learning including eBooks (some just for kids!), audiobooks, test prep books and study guides. They can all be found at the library’s website.

Gloucester County Library provides a number of digital resources from eBooks and audiobooks to movies and magazines, plus many more educational materials accessible from the comfort of your home.



Roam the Zoo (Virtually)

Take a virtual walk on the wild side as the Cape May County Zoo hosts daily learning sessions on its Facebook page – featuring animal quizzes! The learning begins at 11:30 am.



All Aboard the Battleship LIVE

Spend the day with the crew aboard the Battleship New Jersey as the curatorial team conducts Facebook Live lessons about different aspects of the ship’s history. They kicked things off with a look at the ship’s latest exhibit, USS New Jersey: Past, Present and Future.


An Online HERstory Lesson

The Alice Paul Institute will be releasing kid-friendly materials for parents looking for ways to entertain the kids at home. The organization started with a kid-friendly biography about Alice Paul. Stay up-to-date on their releases with #AlicePaulHomeschool.

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