Dinnertime at my house is usually my 2 teen boys and I talking about our day, them goofing off and sometimes reading from TableTopics Card Game, which is thought-provoking questions that make for great conversation. No phones allowed!
Sue Harrison

Dinnertime is pretty hectic since we added our 1-week-old daughter to our family of 3. Controlled chaos is what we like to call it. All hands on deck!
Robbie Smith
Medford Lakes

Dinnertime at our house is low key, with my husband and I sitting down to a meal I’ve cooked. We’re both retired AND we have an air fryer (a first for us) so we’ve been enjoying veggies and fish cooked in this new way. But tomorrow in the am I’m making donuts…so much for healthy eating!
Maureen Christopher

My husband and I share dinner duty. Usually I cook (although he’s expert at chopping and dicing). I get everything ready to eat – food, drinks, dishes – and he’s in charge of clean-up.
Marie Lihotz

Our children are grown, so my husband and I routinely eat dinner on trays in the living room and watch TV. It’s quiet and peaceful.
Mary Miranda  

One great thing about living in NJ is the restaurant take-away. At my house, we often call on our local restaurants, and with such diversity of both entrees and cuisines everyone gets what they want, and it never gets boring.
Buddy Kirst
Winslow Twp.

Having dinner with my 92-year-old mom most evenings is the best. We get boxed meals from Hello Chef, and I love putting them together. It’s like a science experiment.
Stacy Kasse

It depends on who gets home from the office first. My husband tends to favor Asian dishes, so he uses his imagination to whip up something spicy. If it’s me, definitely expect a Greek dinner!
Dina Mathews-Laurendeau

We’ve always had a rule at our house that dinnertime is the one time of the day when we can have conversation without distractions from TV and cellphones.
Glen Walton

We share what we are grateful for from the day. Then we have a box of cards with questions that we work through – we learn so much about our kids.
Ronica Cleary
Mt. Laurel

Dinner time has been around the same table for 31 years…great food, wine, lively conversation and much love. Empty seats from lost loved ones are filled once again with the blessings of our growing family.
Carol McDougall 
Mt Laurel 

Dinner time is typically a lot of fun. Dad (me) likes to cook and the kids (ages 7 and 3) love to help. We try to come up with a new menu each week – we all learn a lot.
Ryan Danowski

Dinner time at our house is extremely important to us. We use this time to connect with each other and disconnect from the outside world for a bit. It’s not optional.
Anna Behnke

Dinner time at my house is me trying to eat with 8 sets of dachshund eyes patiently staring, hoping for a taste.
Anne Rosenberg
Mt. Laurel

I have a teen and a pre-teen so I never know if I’m going to get happy dinner companions, foodies with an attitude or pretty grumpy kids. I just call them to dinner and hope for the best.
M. Turner

April 2024
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