We’ve got you covered

At SJ Mag, every cover has a story. And sometimes the behind-the-scenes story is as good as the one we print.

Best of SJ / July 2009

We sent out a call to SJ bakeries to decorate a cake for our Best of SJ issue, and one would be featured on the cover. Sweet Life Bakery in Vineland chose a simple design which made the perfect cover. (The other awesome cakes were featured inside the magazine.)


The Trotters / August 2024

We met Eagle Jeremiah Trotter Jr. and his dad, former Eagle Icon Jeremiah Trotter Sr., at a football field near their home to shoot the cover photo. We did the usual poses: arms crossed, holding footballs, but then Sr. grabbed his son’s face and kissed him. It was perfect.


The Women’s Issue / May 2021

We actually had planned to have Mindy Kaling on the cover of this issue, but then we had our Women of Excellence photo shoot and we couldn’t stop thinking about this picture of honoree Tatiana Mitchell. It was so bright, so joyful. We thought it was what everyone needed a year after the pandemic. We moved Mindy to August.


Best of SJ / July 2023

We shot this sundae at Da’Villa’s Crème & Cookies with cones in three different colors: red, blue and purple, and we couldn’t decide which to use. So we went to Instagram and let you decide.


Carli Lloyd / January 2023

We started covering Carli Lloyd in 2008, when a writer pitched us a story about a South Jersey soccer player who “was supposed to be really good.” (That’s really what they said.) Good thing we listened. Carli has now appeared on 6 covers – the most of anyone. And that makes us very happy.



Paul Reiser / February 2020

This was right before the pandemic hit. And lucky for us, Paul Reiser was appearing in Atlantic City soon after we published. Our Executive Editor Jayne Feld went to see him and asked him to sign a copy.


Childhood Obesity / November 2013

We shot this cover in an appliance store, so that refrigerator was empty. We went on one major – and unhealthy – shopping spree for groceries and filled the fridge to capacity. Photographer David Michael Howarth then placed lights inside on the shelves to get that bright glow.


Tiffany’s Last Night / November 2022

On a drive to the Shore one summer day, SJ Mag’s Marianne Aleardi saw a homemade sign asking for “Justice for Tiffany.” It listed a website, and that soon led to our cover story on this heartwrenching story of the Valiente family and their fight to find what really happened to their daughter.




 NEXT : And then there was Covid >>

January 2025
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