Former Philadelphia Eagles Wide Receiver Jason Avant will join the Burlington County Regional Chamber of Commerce’s (BCRCC) Young Professionals network for a day of leadership, learning and networking.
Avant, who owns Launch Trampoline Park, and Lieutenant Commander Ryan Peters, who is also a Navy SEAL and Burlington County Freeholder, will serve as keynote speakers during the Young Professionals Leadership Summit on October 5 at The Hotel ML.
The day will be filled with workshops focusing on leadership styles, team management and entrepreneurial strategies featuring panelists like YMCA Camp Ockanickon CEO Mark Dibble and Philadelphia Soul COO John Adams.
The Leadership Summit runs from 8 am to 1:30 pm and includes a light breakfast, lunch, two keynotes and two workshop sessions. Tickets cost $85 for BCRCC members and $100 for non-members.
For more information and to register, click here.