One More Thing: What’s the first news story you remember hearing?

It was the summer of 1969, and I remember my mom was ironing clothes and we were watching Neil Armstrong land on the moon. It was on our small, black-and-white TV. I remember thinking, how cool is this!
Todd Allen

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster in 1986. I was 13, and our teachers were so excited. All of the classes were watching on TV, then the unthinkable happened. I remember thinking it wasn’t real…everyone was quiet, then everyone was crying.
Jessica Caez

I was in grade school and remember listening to coverage about Son of Sam on the evening news. He was a serial murderer in New York City who, after killing several people in the late 1970s, was finally apprehended and convicted of the crimes. The story left an impression on me for such a long time. Stories about serial murderers are covered much more today than in those days and largely get absorbed into the news cycle but back then, they gave a much bigger punch.
Ranjna Das

It isn’t a story I read or watched, but one that was shared. My grandfather, Thomas Bayard Brunt, Jr., was a rewriteman and investigative reporter for The Philadelphia Bulletin, and he broke some incredible news. He would rarely share his stories with us, but various family members, including my grandmother, would share his successes around the holiday dinner table and coax him to share details. Everyone was full of pride. One such story was the death and cover-up of Philadelphia Heiress Doris Jean Silver at the age of 22.
Naoji Moriuchi

I had just turned 5 years old when news of Elvis Presley’s death blanketed the airwaves. More so than the actual news stories, I clearly recall the widespread public grieving.
Anthony DiFabio
Mullica Hill

I remember the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy on a cold and snowy day. I was 8 years old, and my dad and I watched it together on a black-and-white TV. Then I went sledding.
Susan Bass Levin
Cherry Hill

The Watergate trials. I was in grade school, and every day when I came home for lunch it was on TV. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew it was serious and not good.
Jay Dansch

I was 6 years old, watching the Apollo 11 mission unfold on television. When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, I knew it was a significant moment for the USA.
Krista Nash

I remember the news covering the long lines of cars waiting for gas in the ’70s. And then I remember waiting in those lines. I didn’t really understand what an energy crisis was, I just knew it was hot outside, and everyone hated waiting in the long lines.
Ron Drichtner

The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. People were talking about it everywhere. I remember how beautiful she was and what an exciting time it was for everyone. Now of course we know it really wasn’t a happy time.
Nai Patel

I don’t know if it’s the first, but a significant news story I remember was Anita Hill’s testimony about sexual harassment by then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. I was in college and all the women in my dorm gathered in the common area to watch her testimony. It was incredible to see a woman of color stand up for herself with such dignity. It’s something I’ll never forget.
Marion Smythe

I remember vividly Ronald Reagan saying to take down the Berlin Wall. I talked to my parents about it and didn’t understand, but I remember the Cold War and hearing that speech.
Anthony Mongeluzo

My first news story memory is when the Phillies won the World Series in 1980. It seemed to bring the whole community together with happy vibes.
Robyn Greenberg
Cherry Hill

November 2023
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