A pair of bald eagles has built a huge nest on a Salem County transmission tower, and you can tune in via live webcam to watch the eaglets hatch (the first sign of hatching was spotted on April 4).
The screenshot from the Eagle Cam shows a hole in one of the eggs, a sign that the eaglet inside is starting to hatch
The solar-powered Eagle Cam is mounted above the nest, so it gives viewers an awesome aerial view of the eagles swooping in, talking among themselves and moving sticks around to make their nest.
The majestic pair have been returning to the same PSE&G tower (the exact location is a secret in order to protect the birds) for the past 18 years to hatch eaglets, but this is the first time people have been able to watch online as a new generation of eagles is born and raised thanks to a partnership between the N.J. Audubon Society and PSE&G.
The number of active eagle nests in New Jersey – 153 presently, according to the N.J. Division of Fish and Wildlife – has continued to increase in recent years, especially in Cumberland and Salem counties. PSE&G has even modified some of its transmission towers to improve them for nesting and move the birds away from live electrical current.
To tune in to the Eagle Cam, click here.