Camden County Veterans History Project Submitted to Library of Congress

This week, 25 videos from Camden County’s Veterans History Project were presented to the Library of Congress. The presentation makes Camden County one of only two counties in the United States to participate in the national Veterans History Project.

Camden County Freeholder Bill Moen traveled to Washington, D.C., where he delivered the video interviews conducted with local veterans. He was joined by Congressman Donald Norcross during the presentation.

“This is our first submission of hopefully many veterans’ legacies into our nation’s archives, including first-hand accounts and interviews with Gold Star families,” Freeholder Moen says. “This group met the exacting criteria of the Library of Congress, and we are in the process of reviewing all of our veterans’ documentaries to identify future submissions. All of the recordings will continue to be a part of our own archives here in Camden County.”

The Freeholder Board created the Veterans History Project in 2013 to capture the trials, tribulations and triumphs of local veterans as a lasting memory to their commitment to serve.  The Camden County Office of Veterans Affairs conducts the interviews and produces the documentaries to make the videos available to future generations. To date, the stories of more than 150 veterans have been saved for posterity.

“We documented recounts of their stories of service on the land, sea and air, from the kamikaze-scarred Intrepid to remote airbases in Papua New Guinea, and from the enemy-infested jungles of Guam to the bloody beach at Iwo Jima,” says Moen. “We thank them for their service to our nation, and for allowing us to document their contributions and sacrifices.”

If you would like to participate in the Veterans History Project, or for more information on the program, call the Camden County Office of Veterans Affairs at 1-800-464-VETS.

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