Chef’s Table: Braddock’s Tavern
Ricotta Gnocchi with Crab

Serves 2

8 oz
colossal crab meat

5 cups
Alta Cucina plum tomatoes

2 cups
ricotta cheese, drained

1 cup
roasted garlic

½ cup
grated parmesan cheese

2 tbsp
tomato paste

1½ tbsp
extra virgin olive oil

1¼ cups
double OO (Italian milled) flour

2 shallots, roasted

2 large eggs

1 bunch of basil, chopped

To taste
kosher salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, Parmesan-Reggiano cheese



Bring large pot of salted water to a boil. Prepare a work area and a large piece of parchment paper to place finished gnocchi on.

In a large mixing bowl, combine ricotta cheese, parmesan, olive oil, eggs and salt with a fork. Add flour, stirring with a rubber spatula until dough forms.

Bring the dough together and form a ball, then cut off a quarter of it at a time. Dust your work surface with flour to prevent sticking. Roll the cut-off piece of dough into a dowel shape and cut into 5/8” pieces.

Dust parchment paper with flour and place gnocchi on it to prevent sticking. Cook gnocchi in the boiling water for two minutes or until they begin to float.

To make the marina sauce, combine roasted garlic, roasted shallots, tomato paste, tomatoes, chopped basil, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and Parmesan-Reggiano.

Once the gnocchi are finished, toss them with the marina sauce. Top with colossal crab meat before serving.


When You Go

Braddock’s Tavern
39 South Main Street, Medford

January 2017
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