Winter is finally winding down, but before we jump into Spring, let’s refresh our living space. Here are some tips to set you up for a successful spring cleaning (and 7 tasks you might have forgotten). 


Give yourself a deadline

Say goodbye to the tried and true “I’ll get to it tomorrow.” For spring cleaning, we’re making a schedule. Start with an overall deadline to keep you motivated through your cleaning endeavors – it will depend on how much you’re planning to tackle. And if you’re feeling particularly motivated, take it a step further and assign each of your rooms a specific day for some mini deadlines. 


Make a list

Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, but a few lists can break down the process into easier bite-sized pieces. Start by writing out every room you want to clean, and make a list of each task in that room – organize closet, empty drawers, clean mirrors, etc. And to make things even more manageable, once you have your list of tasks, make a list of supplies you’ll need to finish every one. No more having to stop mid-task to run to the store for some surprise cleaner.  


Start with your stuff…

Have you ever tried to vacuum a floor that has clothes all over it? It’s a nightmare (trust us). So start your cleaning by taking care of the clutter in your home. Go through everything and decide if it belongs in the keep pile, the donate pile or the trash pile. Then, decide on a place for everything in the keep pile. Once you put everything away, it will be much easier to see what needs a deep cleaning, what can get a quick clean and what can wait until next Spring. 


…then get to cleaning

When it comes to deep cleaning, we’re fans of starting with the hardest tasks. Hit your bathrooms and kitchen first with a thorough wipe down of surfaces, then move on to the bedrooms and other areas in the house. And don’t forget about your windows and floorboards! 


Set yourself up for success

What’s worse than the feeling of having to start spring cleaning? Finishing your spring cleaning and then finding everything a mess again 2 weeks later. One simple tip for making sure your clean sticks? Organization. When you’ve finished your deep cleans and organizing, make sure every item has a set place. Then, as time goes on, make sure every time you use that item, it is put back in that place. 


Start here

If you’re not sure where to start, here’s a list of some spring cleaning tasks that we always make sure to include: 

    • Clean out and deep clean your fridge
    • Wipe down your baseboards
    • Mop your floors
    • Clean out your bathroom closet and drawers
    • Dust or vacuum your curtains 
    • Air out your home by opening the windows to get rid of stale odors
    • Dust light fixtures and ceiling fans 
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