Celebrating 25 Years


At the start of 2020 (but before everything happened), we started what we thought would be a year-long celebration of our 20th anniversary. We looked back at all we had done and made plans for all that lied ahead.

But as you know, everything soon changed. Suddenly there wasn’t time to celebrate past accomplishments. The focus was on survival – for both our business and the personal lives of our team. While we had worked very hard for the past two decades, we needed to work even harder now. And so we did.

As we begin 2025 – our 25th anniversary – the world is different. Our business is different (for one thing, we’re now SJ Mag Media) and the personal lives of our team are different too (one just had a baby!). What hasn’t changed is the commitment to our mission: We empower women. We support non-profits. And we promote the wonderful community we call home, South Jersey.

What has changed is that our reach is wider now. We use words like “audience” instead of “readers,” because our website and social media platforms have brought us to a whole new group of people. And the way we connect with our audience is more varied: video, social media posts, email blasts, as well as the print issue, which continues to have a strong reader base.

It seems after 25 years, we are continuing the work we love and continuing our connection with you, who make up an audience we are so very grateful for.

Yes, after 25 years, we are still here. Right where we should be. And stronger than ever.


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