One More Thing: Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?

I would pick Catherine O’Hara just so I could see what she would wear, what accent she would use, and how well she would sing while playing me doing karaoke.
Suzanne Fox, Cherry Hill

Comedian Chris Tucker would play me. He’s very energetic and goofy, and he makes everyone laugh. At the same time, he’s also a laid-back guy. That’s the kind of person I am. He would be a good fit.
Greg Ward, Eagles wide receiver

It would be a musical film and I want Eva Noblezada or Vanessa Hudgens to play me because they’re both Filipina actress-singers and representation is important to me.
Jasmine Riel, Cherry Hill

I would choose Idris Elba. If he’s not gonna get to play James Bond, then perhaps he can portray another suave, debonair fellow (me lol). Seriously he’s a fine actor and I would be
Rick Williams, 6abc anchor

Megan Mullally. She is extremely funny, very talented, and is married to Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson, “Parks and Recreation”). Please and thank you.
Janice McAdams, Sicklerville

Jennifer Aniston. She is super cute, starred in one of the best TV shows, has been in great movies, and she was married to Brad Pitt and Justin Theroux. Need I say more?
Stephanie Fox, Voorhees

Christian Slater. He needs a job and I miss him.
Dwayne MacPherson, Palmyra

I would be remiss if I didn’t pick Sean Hayes from “Will & Grace” because both of our voices get very high pitched when we’re excited.
Anthony Sbarra, Bellmawr

I would like the producers to consider having Canadian singer/actor Hugh Dillon play me. I mean we’re always being confused anyway just because our names are similar, not because of our sultry good looks. I sometimes get his fan mail via twitter, and he has the blue verification check mark I want so badly. He’s not too bad on the eyes as well. I can’t sing myself, so if he’d like to put a song in my biopic, I’d welcomeit. “Where’s the Party?”
HughE Dillon, PhillyChitChat

Sarah Jessica Parker. Sheis an ICON. She has amazing fashion sense, is a huge book lover, and is married to Ferris Freaking Bueller.
Gabby Glitz, Marlton

I would say Mila Kunis. Maybe she can make my jokes actually sound funny.
Jordan Parent, Washington Township

In the movie about my life (whoa), I would faint if they cast Jennifer Lopez (double whoa). I have always admired her tenacity, talent and overall “boss babe” grip on life. She’s spicy and saucy and has always tried a little bit of everything, reminding us to step out of our comfort zone and just go for it.
Alicia Vitarelli, 6abc Anchor

It has to be Will Smith for me. I think we have the same personality – we’re both animated and we like people. I’m always smiling and when I see him in a movie, I see the same thing. He looks like he’s a fun guy. That’s what I’m all about.
Brandon Graham, Eagles defensive end

Zazie Beetz. Once upon a time I may have chosen a more “ethnically ambiguous” actress – a term I’ve often been labeled with, particularly before starting to embrace my natural hair texture. Now that I do, I identify with and really admire people like Zazie – who seems so un­­apolo­­getically herself! Not to mention she’s talented, interesting and apparently knows how to pick great TV/film projects, like Atlanta and Joker.
Shaina Humpries, Fox 29 anchor

Photos courtesy Netflix: (Chris Tucker) Mary Ellen Mathews; (Idris Elba and Will Smith) Nick Wall; (Zazie Beetz) Steven Soderbergh; and (Jennifer Lopez) Ovidiu Hrubaru/Shutterstock

August 2020
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