The benefits of getting outdoors each day

Work from home has made life a bit more flexible, but it’s also made it so much easier to have our heads buried in our inbox from sun-up to sun-down. (That’s not a great idea, though.) Check out four reasons you should get outside today. 

Good old vitamin D

Eating foods packed with nutrients like vitamin D are important to our healthy habits, but there’s no food that compares to the amount of vitamin D you get while soaking in the sun. Vitamin D helps our immune system, contributes to bone health and has many other health benefits. Just remember to use sunscreen when going out into the sun – protecting our skin is just as important! 

Smile, the sun’s out

We don’t have to remind you that every year when spring rolls around after months of gloomy, chilly winter days, your mood tends to do a 180. There are studies that show being outside – which is easier to do when the weather is agreeable – can have an affect on our mood. 

Work smarter, not harder

Did you know trees can help you do better work? A study was done with two groups of people. They were assigned the same strenuous task, but one group took a break in a green space and the other took a break near a busy intersection. The group that took a break in the green space…they showed more focus after the break. 

So next time your boss questions that mid-day walk, just tell them you’re fine-tuning your focus. 

Stay fit, stay healthy

The CDC recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity each week. So whether you’re looking for a new way to shake up your workout, or you got rid of that gym membership to stick to your budget – the outdoors comes with a number of ways to boost your fitness. And that can help you reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and other diseases. 

April 2024
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