Five Philadephia Eagles Fun Facts

The Birds are back, and we’ve got a few fun facts that will give you something to talk about at halftime.

We have the draft thanks to Eagles co-founder Bert Bell: Before the draft was established in 1936, teams recruited college players directly. That meant only teams with the most money got good players. So Bell proposed the draft, and it’s stuck around ever since.

Eagles? Meet the Steelers: During WWII there weren’t enough players left in the U.S. to have both an Eagles and a Steelers team. So in 1943 the PA teams joined up to become the Steagles (or Phil-Pitt). The team finished 5-4-1.

In a 1948 championship game, Eagles fans literally had to dig their way into the stadium: After a blizzard covered Philly’s Shibe Park with a foot and a half of snow, stadium staff, fans and even players brought shovels to clear off the field. Fans who did got a free ticket.

Fly Eagles Fly: The Eagles’ signature fight song is based on “Eagles Victory Song,” written by Charles Borrelli and Roger Courtland in the 1950s. It didn’t become a regular part of the games until the “learn your fight song initiative” in 1997.

Swoop is bigger than your average eagle: According to his biography, the Eagles’ mascot is 6’3″, 216 lbs. His position: the center of attention.

September 2021
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